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Sunday, 17 August 2008


Regular readers will know of my love of sport. I signed in to write this blog with the intention of basking in the sheer wonderfulness of a winning return to the football season at Watford and a truly fabulous day for Great Britain at the Olympics....... I'll keep that for another day though because as I did so, an email came in that made me stop and think.

I subscribe to Joe Vitale's blog. You may know him from the film The Secret and his site at is worth checking out. Today's email from Joe was about complaining and intentions. It urged people who are about to make a complaint, to stop for a minute and turn that complaint into an intention. What a better place the world would be if we could all do that.

Just try it. Here's what I mean. Next time someone cuts you up on the road, don't waste your time yelling at them - they won't hear you and it probably won't help you feel any better (OK, maybe a tiny bit, but it won't last!). Instead, set yourself the intention of being more courteous to other drivers during the rest of the journey. What have you got to lose and who knows, you might even enjoy it.

Oh, and did I tell you that Watford won.......!

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