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Wednesday 18 April 2012


I was fascinated by today's news story about the choice of motto for the London Olympics, now just 100 days away - "Inspire a generation." I listened to a discussion about it on Radio 5 this morning and was amazed by some of the comments. People seemed all too quick to moan about it, mostly stating that it is far too big a statement and overly-ambitious.

Well that's the point isn't it? Do we really want to publisise our nation with a motto along the lines of,

"A fortnight of running races that might get a few people into sport for a bit."
"A glorified sports day at the tax payers expense."

No, no and a thousand times no!

Mottos like this are all about huge ideals, about massive goals and tremendous achievement.
They've got to be big, they've got to be bold and they've got to really appeal to your heart.
The thought of inspiring a generation makes the hair stand up on the back of my neck and gives me goose pimples - in the right way. It's the same way I feel when I remember David Beckham's free-kick goal against Greece that put England into the World Cup finals. It makes me proud, it makes me want to stand up and be counted and above all it makes me want to take action. After all isn't that what any motto or goal is supposed to do?

We are all motivated by what Anthony Robbins calls big juicy goals. The things we really care about, not the small mundane stuff. I wouldn't be motivated to get up at 5:30am and go and do a commuter surgery in the practice if I did it just to pay my bills. No. What gets me up in the morning is the knowledge that I am making a difference to peoples' lives - every day. I'm lucky to get the chance to do that multiple times every day but whatever we do we can all do this in some way. Whether that's with a smile or a word or just a small random act of kindness.

So if like me you're excited by the thought of inspiring a generation, let's say so. Let's do something about it. Let's lead by example. If you want to change the world, begin with yourself. As Gandhi once said, "my life is my message." Make sure it's a message that you are proud for others to see, hear and feel.

I recently read Jonny Wilkinson's excellent autobiography - it's superb. One of the goals he aspires to is always be able to sign off a 24 hour video recording of his life, thereby always being happy about and proud of his actions. Now here's a man who takes being a role model very seriously but we can all learn from this. Become a role model for those around you - your kids, your friends, your colleagues. Make yourself proud, make them proud and "Inspire a generation!"

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