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Thursday 10 May 2012


Here's a great distinction that I want to share with you. It has it's roots in Buddhism and has an important message for us all. I love it and it's something I think you'll really enjoy too.

So often when we feel negative emotions we describe them as if they were part of our identity. I often hear patients describe themselves by saying for example; "I am depressed" or "I am angry." These are identity statements and make it sound as if the emotion is all that they are. Someone who describes themselves as a depressive is so much more than their depression, likewise one who says "I am sad," has much more to them than their sadness.

Think instead of being with the emotion rather than being the emotion itself. For example, "I am with anger" makes the distinction between the person and the emotion much clearer. It also makes it easier to let go of the emotion and heal yourself.

This is a subtle distinction but sometimes that's all it takes to set someone back on track. When many of us have problems it's as if we are a stick that's floating down the river of life and become temporarily stuck. We don't need years of therapy - all most of us need is a little nudge. Think of coaching as that little nudge.

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