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Thursday 24 May 2012


How do you feel about the Olympics? Are you excited about them or are you one of the naysayers who reckon we should have saved the money and all had 37p extra in our pockets? Obviously I'm in the former camp. Regular readers will know that I love sport and I absolutely love the Olympics. To me they represent everything that is wonderful about sport, not just in the sense of athletes reaching peak performance in front of millions but in the way that people from all over the world come together in the spirit of peace and unity.

It was therefore with a massive sense of pride that I have followed the story of the Olympic torch relay. I watched The One Show and saw it arrive on British soil and I'm not afraid to admit I had a lump in my throat. What an amazing honour for those selected to run with it, something that they will remember for the rest of their lives. I will certainly be going to see it come to my town in early July. We haven't had the games here for 64 years and unless it comes round more quickly next time, I won't see it again in my lifetime. It really will be history in the making.

Personally I was delighted to see carrying the flame in Taunton.
I know this caused controversy in some quarters but regular readers will know I've blogged about him before and about his extraordinary achievements. The games are all about celebrating achievement. Let's get behind them, let's show the world what Britain is all about. I'm lucky enough to live in what I consider to be the best country in the world and I'm hugely proud to be British. I'm urging you to join me. Support the Olympics in any way that you can. Stand up and be counted. Make these the greatest games ever and make 2012 a year the world will remember forever.

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