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Tuesday 8 May 2012


Today is likely to be a busy day, as I'm sure it will be for you too. I'll be up at 5.30am for commuter surgery. It's likely to be a hectic morning after the long weekend. I'm on-call too so that'll add to it. Then there is the lunchtime meeting with the nurses and then training on the new coils. I might manage half an hour or so off before it all starts again for evening surgery.
 I'm sure this is much the same as your day will be. Life is busy, there's always stuff to do.
What we need to be careful of though is ensuring that we make time in our busy day for ourselves. When you're pressed for time it's easy to feel rushed and to take quick decisions. Situations demand that we do this and sometimes it's the right thing to do but at other times, we need to remember to ....... slow down ...... to pause . ....... and to listen to our own intuition, to that still small voice within. Even though when we are busy it seems like we don't have the time to do this, ironically I think that that is when we need to do so the most. Gandhi was once asked if he was going to have time to mediate because the day ahead was going to be so busy. He apparently replied that when the day ahead was that busy he'd need to meditate twice as long. What I'm asking you to do and what I'll be doing myself, is to take regular tiny breaks during the day. These might just be a minute or so but use them to check in on yourself and note how you are feeling, what's going on for you at that moment. Listen to what your intuition is telling you. Learning to follow this makes life easier; it begins to feel like you are moving along easily, not forever fighting against the flow of things. So no matter how busy you are today, try just stopping for 30 seconds and being still with yourself. You'll be amazed what you will learn.

1 comment:

Unknown said...


Agree wholeheartedly with your advice. I will add it is important to eat and drink regularly too. One GP known to me makes a point of taking a walk for half an hour or so in middle of the day to put a physical space in the day as well as a mental one.
