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Tuesday 15 May 2012


How much time do you spend worrying? A few minutes every day, maybe more? Think of this in terms of hours per week, per month or per year. What about over a whole lifetime? How much of our precious time on earth do we waste worrying?

Can any of us say that even one second of this time has been useful? I very much doubt it. Worry has to be one of the most useless emotions going. Rather like jealousy, it's completely redundant; it achieves absolutely nothing.

American coach Steve Chandler talks about downgrading your worries to concerns. I find this to be a really helpful shift. Think about it, if you're worried about something, does that prompt you to do anything about it? I'm guessing not. Most of us wallow in worry, going round in circles and getting stuck through inaction, paralysed by fear. If instead you have a concern, well that feels rather different doesn't it? If I'm concerned about something, I'm going to do something about it. I'm going to take action.

I'm all for these subtle distinctions. Anything that works and makes life easier has got to be good. Why complicate things? Life's too short to waste it worrying. Choose today to downgrade your worries to concerns and take action. Enjoy your day.

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