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Thursday 17 May 2012


Having chosen the title for this blog I decided to do some exercise whilst I considered the most interesting angle to write it from. As I looked for inspiration, it quite literally hit me in the face in what I can only describe as a very embarrassing and bizarre fitness accident!

I have a set of resistance elastics at home. I don't use them much for two reasons - firstly I prefer to go to the gym and secondly if my teenage sons get wind of them I'll likely never see them again. Now if you know about these you'll know that they come in various thicknesses. After a few gentle arm exercises I decided to move on to do some abdominal exercises and here's where it all went pear shaped. I selected the thickest strongest band; if you know the Bodylastics range, it's the inch or so thick, black 23lb elastic we're talking about here, it's a monster. Well I sat down on the floor with my legs stretched out in front of me and put the elastic around the sole of my slippered (that was the mistake) feet. I held the free ends one in each hand and leaned right back. As I did so the elastic slipped up and off my slippers, catapulting the thick elastic smack against my chin at very high speed - wham!

I couldn't have done it any harder if I'd tried. An inch higher and I could easily have knocked a few teeth out. I felt like a total prat, sitting in the bathroom with a cold flannel on my chin, gingerly checking myself out for more serious damage. Luckily no real harm was done but it brought home to me the importance of making the most of now I can tell you! One minute you're ticking along just fine and the next you're a whisker away from having no teeth and looking like you've done ten rounds with Mike Tyson.

This bizarre incident followed immediately after having been accidentally locked out of our house by my partner and came just before walking out of my front door and stumbling down two steps, twisting my ankle! If you read my earlier post, Excuse me your life is waiting, you'd probably conclude that I had been focusing on all the wrong things to attract all this. You might be right but they did all serve to give me a laugh and I thought they might amuse you too.......

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